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Teda Proverbs

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To give you a taste of Chadian Proverbs, we present to you some Teda proverbs from the book "Daga Tudagaa : Kîtab Njûnju-in". The homeland of the Teda people is the Bardaï mountain region of Chad, near the Libyan border. For more information about this book, please contact us directly.

Sara proverbs


Agurnun gubia tedîe daamoó, êgishi ye!
If you don`t want your contemporary to get ahead, give him a loan.
Debts keep one from getting ahead.

Shin cubin, soun cubunnodi bozú.
One who eats the ear will not rest without eating the eye.
"Give him an inch, and he'll take a mile."

Kûdi hi gûshi labannuún.
Don't let a dog guard the ribs.

Gînei di gûi tugopoo, dûli di ashi curuuwo gali.
When we slit the [goat's] throat improperly, it's important to skin it properly.
When we begin something on the wrong foot, we must work hard to finish well.

Yuzo yê durdo yê yum turo hoscini.
The king like the sun will appear one day.
Famous people can't hide.

Goni hi gûndunú, kûruni hi hunaktunú.
One cannot hide on a camel, and one cannot conceal one's footprints in the sand.
"Don't beat around the bush."

Ba numma bo-in, bo di tammoó, dahu yuzo di waduún.
If you don't consider the relative of your relative as your relative, you cannot be saved (helped).
Your in-laws are part of your protection in case of danger.

Ko numma mêde hikoo, dahu numma burawuni kôcini.
When your mouth learns certain words, a concussion will arise.
A smart aleck adolescent will end up with a concussion one day [from being hit in the head so often].

Aba murdom yidado, ba murdom yidannó yugó.
There is no one who has ten fingers who does not have ten relatives.
You are not alone.  Your family is always there to help you.

Dagunu dôre cunnukan lôore cuatú.  Gorsu bidenu cîn, yara cuatú.
When a girl is fertile, even the head of the family cannot refuse her bringing into the world a child.  In a war where there are already casualties, even mediators cannot keep it from continuing.
The decision of God is irrevocable.

Mêdi yê tûni yê, turo, hûi ndinai.
A matter and a container have a beginning.
Never change a word in a judgement.

Wûni yê adibi yê, turo, kunu yugó.
There is no such thing as a small fire or a small woman.

Yuhadu njennaán ha mêdi yeún! Turci njennaán ha labana yeún!
To the one who doesn't support you in speech, don't give him a word; to the one who doesn't watch out for you, don't confide in him.
Don't put your faith in someone who is untrustworthy.

Wûroei nôushi gunu.
Precaution is not fear.
Protecting oneself or being careful is not the same thing as being afraid.

Widenu soun cîdú; kazu ôzun yogurú.
An eye does not kill a gazelle; saliva does not break a fast.
It is useless to wish for something someone else has.

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